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Cyber Attacks: Computer Viruses - CaaS

Why are cyber attacks becoming so prevalent? Even more importantly what can you do to protect your business? Today, computer viruses and other related cyber attacks are causing major disruptions to businesses all over the United States. The cyber criminals now have their own nameplate, CaaS - aka: Crime as a Service. You have heard the old adage that crime does not pay; however, you will have a hard time convincing cyber criminals of that.

Undoubtedly your business is under attack. Cyber criminals are hunting down any weaknesses on your system. They are creating smarter viruses. They are adding latency components that strike after the virus enters your system at a random time. Once they strike, they have already dismantled your backups and have damaged your data. They shut down your productivity, can cost your business thousands in lost productivity, and other losses can mount up quickly.

Recently a company was hit with a virus. The user's machine was isolated, and the virus was removed. Well, so they thought. The virus came back about two months later and caused system wide damage this time. The technology team in place had installed anti-virus software. They thought everything was OK. The company was down for days, and all of their data had to be restored from offsite backups. Their employees lost several days of valuable productivity. The company leadership started to search for a better solution.

The best way to ward off this threat is to move your technology to a private cloud where your data and system components are stored in a locked down data center with state of the art monitoring and layers of safeguards that will ward off the cyber criminals and keep your business running smoothly.

Simply adding a single layer of anti-virus software is no longer enough to keep your data and system safe. Regrettably, its only a matter of time until the cyber criminals find a way to overcome the latest and greatest anti-virus software. By moving to a private cloud, your entire system is housed behind robust firewalls with several layers of protection. Further protection is provided by around the clock monitoring staffed by technology experts that can take immediate action if a threat somehow emerges.

The only way you can afford this level of protection is to safely band with other companies and deploy a high level of security for your system and all of your company's employees.

To find out more about a safe, affordable and an effective cloud network, contact a sales specialist at today. Consultations are free with absolutely no obligation. Our customers tell us all the time that they wished they had contacted us sooner.

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