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Where is Technology Headed for Small Business?

The short answer is to the cloud (everyone say it together…) As a catch phrase we hear about the cloud on several fronts. We hear of the private cloud, public cloud, cloud computing and many other versions of cloud computing get thrown around in the sphere of technical jargon. We do know that big business is already in the cloud. Well-known computing brands are offering cloud server platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. So we can see a glimpse of where technology is headed for small business.

That is right – small business technology is headed to the cloud. Until recently cloud computing was an effective solution only to large companies due to the high capital investment required to make cloud computing functional. Cloud computing requires bandwidth. Cloud computing requires a data center somewhere. It has to be set up and maintained. It has to be secure.

Due to recent advancements in technology, software licensing, and bandwidth enhancements – cloud computing is now an affordable, safe, and effective way for small business to leverage. The real question to ponder is not where technology will be in 5 or ten years, the real question is why wait and follow your competition later? Why give your competitor’s an advantage? If you think IT (information technology) is headed to the cloud. Then why wait?

Your best strategy is to consider a move to the cloud before you buy another server or desktop. Make the transformational move to the cloud. Your technology will be housed in a safe and efficient platform at a datacenter in the United States. Your IT costs will be fixed and predictable. Your IT costs will be based on a per user basis – making expansion or downsizing easy to manage. Your software licensing will always be current. Your IT support and planning are also included.

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